
Monday, June 15, 2015

10 things illegal immigrants in the UK should know

We are not oblivious of the fact that many people travel to the UK, US and other EU countries on tourist visas and never return after visa expiration.
10 things Illegal immigrants in the UK should knowAre you surprised? You’re probably living in a world of your own if you are not aware of this.

But before you embark on such a mission, here are few things illegal immigrants in the UK do not have access to…maybe you can take a cue from this as its almost the same scenario in other countries.

The Uklounge has put together some interesting facts which are shared below…..let us know your thoughts after going through.

Bank Account 

UK illegal Immigrants do not have the right to open bank accounts. A bank account is necessary for various reasons, such as work, bills payment, rent payment and more. Part of the requirements for opening an account is your identification document, which is mostly your international passport, driving licence etc. You may not have these things if you are not properly documented.

National Insurance Number

A national insurance number is a set of digits and letters issued by the HMR for the purpose of calculating your pension and any other stuff. It is a compulsory requirement for getting a job in the UK.
To apply for this, you will be required to present your passport, proof of address and evidence that you are actively seeking employment or on a job.

Government Accommodation

There are times when things can really be hard and the council will come to your rescue. Without the necessary immigration papers, you cannot apply for a flat or anything at all. That’s why most times you find mums with 2 or 3 kids living in one room accommodation. It may not be true in all cases, but most of them fall into this category. Trying to do this through the back door is illegal and you could go to jail for it.


The law is clear on this; no undocumented person is allowed to work in the UK. It doesn’t mean they are not in employment, we read the papers everyday. They work in constant fear. If a policeman walks into their workplace innocently, you can begin to imagine how they will disappear stylishly.
Again, the jobs you can do are very limited. That’s why graduates work in the kitchen and toilets and others.


Without the right papers in the UK, you cannot apply for your driving licence. The easiest way to get caught by the police and immigration officials is driving without your papers.
God help you if they should flag you down, the first thing they ask is your driving licence. If you can not produce any or they investigate and they are not genuine, they arrest you straight up. If you do not have your papers yet, it’s not advisable to start driving.


As an undocumented immigrant, you are not entitled to any public fund whatsoever. If you lose your job, you are on your own till you manage to get another one, unlike those who are legal. It’s a sorry situation, to be honest. When you work, you pay taxes. If you lose the job, you can’t get any help from the government. Other benefits like housing, working tax credit and many more are not available to anyone without papers.


You probably know someone who is not legal and yet has a university degree here in the UK. What about those who tried the same backdoor but got caught? Under the law, you can’t go to school or do anything that can add value to your life.

Rent through Agents

With the recent law mandating landlords to verify prospective tenants, it’s becoming more and more difficult for those without papers to rent comfortable houses and flats, especially through lettings agents. You are to provide a proof of identity which should be your international passport. It has always been the general practice, only that it’s now a law.

Buying a house

I want to talk about this in two parts. Firstly, without any reasonable job, how do you get the money to pay for a mortgage? Secondly, how do you identify yourself? It’s a tall dream for an immigrant without papers to buy a house, at least legally. Any other way will see you breaking the law.


As an immigrant you must have the right papers to vote and be voted for. UK illegal immigrants cannot register to vote, join a political party or stand an election. Personally, I see this right as the height of human freedom. Why would you wanna risk this great right? As a citizen of this world, wherever you find yourself, in the form of a country, you should be able to have your say in the affairs of your state.


This post is not to discourage anybody from coming to settle in the UK. I am just trying to let you guys know what happens when you do not do it right. People need to know these things so they can make more wise decisions.
We’ll be deceiving ourselves if we say some people do not come in, with the intention of over staying their tourist visas, which of course is illegal. My advice is if you are one of such, consult your solicitor immediately
Read more stories about the UK and immigration laws on their blog here




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